A huge majority of worldwide hunger exists in underdeveloped countries and 62.4 percent of the hunger exists in Asia and the South Pacific. In America, the problem is not as prevalent, but 1 in 6 people still suffer from hunger. 50.1 millions Americans struggle to put food on the table.
The world produces enough food to feed all 7 billion people living in it, but those that go hungry do not have access to land to grow food or money to buy it.
Global hunger is a huge problem, but it is an issue that is solvable. Every bit of help is a step in the direction of ending world hunger.
During the month of June, we’re launching a
Buy One, Feed One program, designed to help hungry families and children all over the world. With the purchase of every pouch of our organic snacks, we’ll donate an equal portion of food to someone in need. Simply purchase your favorite products online at
AllgoodProvisions.com and we’ll take care of the rest.
If you’re based in our home state of Utah, you can pick up any of our organic products at select Harmon’s, Fresh Market and Whole Foods. We’ll have in-store samplings planned throughout the month, where we’d love the opportunity to talk with you about ending world hunger and how we’re making strides with our
Buy One, Feed One program. Be sure to check our social media pages this month for dates and times.
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