Our Utah Cherries: A Clean Choice Award Winner
We’re honored to share with you that our Utah Cherries have just been named a Clean Choice Award winner in the snack category by Clean Eating magazine!
For their 2nd annual Clean Choice Awards, the magazine has revealed their favorite high quality, all natural products that they think every home should stock in the pantry. These products not only taste good, but also are good-for-you (without excess sugar, salt, fat or chemicals). Their nine person judging panel (comprised of editors, nutritionists, fitness and healthy lifestyle experts) exhausted their taste buds sampling products in categories ranging from pantry staples to time-savers. We’re so grateful to be included in the best snack category and we think our Cherries are in great company.
The April/May issue hits newsstands on April 2nd and we hope you’ll pick up a copy. Thanks to the magazine—and all our fans—for loving our Cherries!

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