Allgood is excited to be a vendor at the Swaner EcoFestival 2011 in Park City, UT on Saturday, June 25th. The Swaner EcoFestival is a showcase of local non-profits, green builders, local foods, and tours of the ecocenter. It will include kid's art projects, live animals, climbing walls, and nature walks! If you live in the area stop by, check it out and be sure to try some of our tasty organic foods at the Allgood booth.
The Swaner Preserve and EcoCenter is 1,200 acres of breathtaking open space nestled amidst expanding development. Swaner is a refuge for an abundance of wildlife. Over 10 miles of trails offer recreational opportunities for mountain bikers, hikers, birdwatchers, fishermen, snowshoers and photographers. The EcoCenter is one of the greenest buildings in Utah, a symbol of Swaner’s ideals and values, and a powerful expression of our relationship to the environment. It is a place for reflection, enlightenment and celebration.

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